Recycling is the real sustainable choice

Materials, Packaging

Compliance with environmental rules is now a concept assimilated by everyone compared to 20 years ago. This happens mainly in domestic context where respect for garbage collection rules is part of our daily routine; the times have long gone when we stood in doubt in front of different waste bins puzzling over the correct way to throw organic waste, plastic or glass in order to help in reducing the impact on the ecosystem. However, when we purchase something, old habits die hard and we do not always pay attention to what we buy, in particular to products’ plastic packaging.

packaging riciclato riutilizzabile sostenibile

It has to be admitted that in the packaging field people are often obliged to use classic plastic materials. The reason is not the absence of alternatives, but the fact that biodegradable and compostable packages aren’t still used a lot. Let’s become now more aware of the packaging that contains the products we buy. We can define easily 100% recyclable packaging as the one used for containing, carrying, protecting, placing, and delivering different products likes bottles, plastic dishes and glasses, detergent bottles, food bottles, punnets, trays, blister packs, bags, etc.; whereas the packaging produced with recycled plastic comes from plastics already used. According to polymer types like PET, PE, PVC, etc., these materials are divided after their recovery and then they are broken up in order to be recycled and reused another time. In the end, it must be highlighted that there are plastic materials, which aren’t recyclable, in particular non-package plastic products. They are made up of a material, whose recycling process isn’t at the moment financially viable.

Legoplast’s packaging is produced with either 100% recyclable plastic or recycled material in a percentage from 60% to 100%. In our catalogue, it is possible to choose among a variety of products whose materials come from industrial waste and they are completely recyclable. They maintain also the same characteristics of classic plastic in terms of durability and mechanical performances. Sustainability means also reusing products. For this reason, our commitment consists in producing a personalized, aesthetic, and engaging packaging to boost its reuse and to extend its lifetime in final consumers’ hands.
