We are able to sasfy every request of staonery sector, which needs different packaging types for both small items and articles in distinct shapes and dimensions.

Materials' flexibility, adaptability and versatility turn into an interesting opportunity to develop original and personalized bags with particular finishes and closures types. This is aimed at displaying packaging and products in specific prearranged areas or in newly designed spaces, as well as giving value and protecting the product inside the bag until its final consumption.

Bags, folders, and pencil cases can be also customized as gadget for the office or to promote your own brand during meetings, events, and fairs.

The durable packaging for stationery

We can satisfy every kind of request with 100% recyclable and sustainable materials and the possibility to print one or more colours on the packaging.

Tap or move the cursor on drawings to see product details.

Ruler bag

Set square bag

Bag with flap

Bag with flap and eurohole

Bag with button and pockets

Bag with button

Paper shopping bag


Magnetic box

E-commerce box

Do you want to change the packaging of your product or receive more information?

Send us your requests and we will follow step by step your bag’s realization process,
from the creation stage to the final production stage.