Doypacks are really versatile and flexible and they are having a great success in different sectors, mainly in large-scale distribution including, but not limited to, food. Doypacks are a particular packaging that offers many advantages in displaying products because it guarantees protection and visibility. These bags can also be customized, and they are developed in order to be reused and to preserve long-term product’s characteristics. Thanks to a gusset at the bottom of the bag, the packaging can easily stand. This is the reason why doypacks are also called stand-up, whereas the term doypack comes from Leon e Louis Doyen, the creators of this packaging, who registered the trade-mark in the 1970’s.
An advantageous alternative

There are therefore many benefits but let’s try to analyze also some disadvantages. In order to be economically advantageous, doypacks must be produced in large quantities. However, some companies can’t achieve high volumes of production. Legoplast has indeed a valid alternative: we can offer our clients not only a large-scale production but also small packaging supply. These bags have the same characteristics of doypacks, and they can be easily customized through different shapes, materials, and colours. According to display needs, the packaging can be produced with or without the hole for hanging and a hanger can be added to the bag. In addition, grip seal is the ideal solution for opening and closing the bag many times.
Space and plastic saving
There are other aspects that should not be underestimated: bag’s shape permits to save space both in shops and at home, and the amount of plastic used for these bags is lower than the one used for a stiff packaging with the same characteristics.