Case Study M:PLUS Cosmetics – Packaging bag

Case Study, Packaging


Mascara Plus is an Italian cosmetic company founded in 2002 by David Chant which has specialized initially in the exclusive production of mascara. The company capability for combining products’ innovative formulations with the use of fiber brushes has guaranteed an excellent positioning in the competitive cosmetic industry.

Mascara reusable packaging bag

The old bond with Legoplast

The old bond with Legoplast Mascara Plus has been always satisfied by the high standard of our packaging and our suggestions have been constantly aligned with customization needs for different products’ types. Thanks to the success of its activity, the company has decided to emphasize its Plus enriching its offer with other cosmetic products. The new entrepreneurial management has implied the need of a change in brand identity by developing the new trademark M:Plus. The choice of renewing its visual identity has regarded both production lines and products’ packaging.
In particular, the company has always opted for bags with cursor or button. However, from June 2020 it was decided to change completely packaging type: the suggestion of a white satin bag with drawstring printed with the logo M:Plus was approved. After having realized a sample without printing in order to test the needed sizes, last details were checked: a black satin string and printing in two colours. Once all packaging characteristics were fixed, M:Plus ordered the bags.

The new packaging

In June 2021, before reordering the same packaging of the previous year, M:Plus decided to change the fabric’s colour in pink and also the printing. A set of cosmetic drawings was added to company logo on the entire bag.
Thanks to years of collaboration, M:Plus has decided to trust completely in our productive competency: the bags were ordered without doing a test sample. The development of an engaging packaging that combines quality and aesthetic is highly important for Legoplast, especially when we work with an exclusive sector like the cosmetic one.
Our greatest satisfaction consists in satisfying clients’ needs because it stimulates us to produce highest quality packaging with creative flair.