Case study: Lookseri – fashion packaging

Case Study, Packaging

Legoplast: attention to details for fashion sector

Fashion is one of the major sectors we work with, and we are enthusiastic because of the great creativity this sector offers. The ideal packaging for clothing, beachwear and underwear must give value to the product: we consequently study and focus on material quality and esthetic; we are inspired by the latest fashion trends on the market, and we suggest in the end tailored products that could give value to each garment.

A long collaboration with Lookseri

Lookseri has been our client for years and it has become an international excellence in beachwear sector thanks to its creativity and its new trendy style. The company has asked us the production of a packaging that could give value to its products. As we are opened to dialogue and collaborate with the client, we have listened to Lookseri needs, which have become reality. The main request was for a slider bag, but then we have had free rein. We have therefore changed sometimes packaging shape, other times we have developed a new graphic design. In this way, every year we have produced a different bag type.
Since Lookseri has been satisfied from three years by the results, the company has always chosen the same bag’s shape and size. We could however play with new fresh tints working firstly on the logo and changing lastly graphic’s colours.

Client importance

We have always put the client first aiming at satisfying all its requests and giving shapes to its ideas. By sharing plainly our views and opinions, we are able to develop new projects combining client’s needs with the quality of our products. We love following our clients step by step from the first planning stages to the final packaging production. We assist them in the development of their ideas and this is what we have done also with Lookseri. We have built a partnership that continue to stimulate Legoplast in developing new solutions for high quality products: it helps us to show our creativity in the best way.